Edit the Plan

Video: https://youtu.be/BLmN_inw644

In the toolbar above the map, there is an editing tool. Use the editing tool to move selected polygons from one district to another.

To manually edit an existing plan:

  • Click the pencil icon on the toolbar of the map to start an editing session.

  • Select a unit by double-clicking, or select a group of units by drawing a polygon (double click to finish drawing).

  • When finished drawing the area to be moved, select the destination district. A move may not be allowed if it breaks contiguity. This is automatically enforced by only providing valid destination options.

The plan information (e.g., scores) is updated after each move. Repeat the above steps to move additional units. To undo, click the undo icon on the toolbar. To exit the editing mode, click the stop icon. By clicking the stop icon, you will be asked if you would like to update the existing plan, save to a new plan, or discard the changes

Note: In a rare instance, if you would like to create a non-contiguous district with editing, you can uncheck “Check contiguity when editing” under the menu “Algorithm

Last updated