Load Contextual Data

iRedistrict® allows the loading of contextual files, such as water bodies or streets, which may help edit and evaluate plans. Note: contextual files are NOT used in the redistricting optimization. It is only for reference and thus optional.

To load a contextual shape file:

1) Click the Map menu and then Load Contextual Data …;

2) Choose a shapefile to load, for example, street.shp (not included in the sample data).

The figure above shows a map with both redistricting data and contextual data (streets). The control panel for the contextual layer(s) is at the bottom of the window, where one can choose the label field, turn the labels on/off, or turn the entire layer on/off by clicking “Visible”.

Note: iRedistrict® cannot perform projection conversions. Contextual files should be of the same projection as the redistricting files

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