Load the Data


Click "Load Redistricting Data" from the file menu

iRedistrict reads shapefiles (.shp). Shapefiles are a standard GIS file format created by Esri for use in the ArcGIS software suite. A shapefile is a set of related files used to describe vector data such as points (e.g., school locations), lines (e.g. streets), or polygons (e.g., blocks).

Note: If you plan on using multiple shapefiles at a time within the iRedistrict®, please ensure that they are uniformly projected before loading them.

Select “Load Redistricting Data …” from the “File” menu.

In the ‘Load redistricting data’ dialog, open the unit shapefile

If you are using iRedistrict for Site, there are two files to be loaded: the unit layer (polygon) and the site layer (point layer). The site layer should have a site capacity attribute and a site name attribute. If the site name is not specified, the software will create random names of district 1, district 2, district 3, etc.

Set optimization parameters and configure the report

Set the primary optimization parameter. For political redistricting, it is usually the population field. For school redistricting, it is usually the student enrollment. For service area delineation, it is usually the attribute that represents workloads.

Data is loaded

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